On 12th June, 2022, School Management honourary president Ex. minister Shri Abhyachandra Jain presided over the function, later he addressed the gathering.

School Management president Shre Ramnath Bhat; members- Shree Pushparaj, Abul Ala, Harish .P., Ajith Kumar, Bahubali M., retired office clerk Shree Damodhar, Shree Sundar, were also present on the occasion. H.M. Smt. Padmaja welcomed the gathering. Midday meal cook Smt Pusha was felicitated on retirement.





S.S.L.C toppers (14 students-each Rs. 2000 sponsored by Mr. Abul Ala-students with above 500 marks) of the school honoured. School magazine “Rajendra” was released. Teacher Shree Venkataramana Keregadde did M.C. Teacher Shree Bharath did vote of thanks.


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